Nature Walk Series
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
25 February 2012


photophotoThe main mission for this trip was to collect more pictures of Smilax calophylla. I first saw this understory shrub back in 2008 but only managed to identify it recently by chance when I was searching for something else in the Internet. Back then, I just took a few pictures and I did know where to locate it again. The base of the young leaf stalk has a pair of wing-like structure that disappeared as the leaf mature.

The other Smilax species in our forested area is Sarsaparilla Vine (Smilax setosa). It is considered as an invasive climber and seems to go by the name Smilax bracteata in the past.

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The Bat Lily (Tacca cristata) must be in its flowering season, at least in this part of the forest. I saw at least 5 of them with the flower stalk sticking out prominently from the plants. For most of the time when I was here last year, I could not see a single flower even though I had taken the same route.

photoAn interesting find was a dark brown tree trunk lined with yellow flowers. I had seen a similar tree at the same location having light brown berry-like fruits along its trunk back in 2008. Sadly, not too long after that sighting, the tree was removed because it fell and obstructed the foot path. I did not realize there was another tree around. It should be Polyalthia cauliflora.

This is also the same location where I found the Polyalthia angustissima tree during my last visit in December 2011. In fact, I was searching around the Polyalthia angustissima tree for its fruit that I came across the yellow flowers.

photoAnother interesting flower (left) was from the Knema laurina tree. I saw two trees near the end of my trip. Both had flower buds along the branches but only one had the tiny flowers blooming. The flower had 3 petals and the interior region was light pink in colour. photo

These flowers (right) with 4 red petals were the enlarge version of a bundle of very tiny flowers. I saw this climber with oval-shape berries and heart-shape leaves by the side of a trail back in 2009. The features of the flowers that I saw this time round pointed me to its possible identity --- Ampelocissus gracilis. This will be third Ampelocissus species in my pictorial database. The other two were A. ascendiflora and A. elegans.

Below is a sample of little creatures that came across my path. From left to right: Caterpillar of Lebadea martha parkeri (The Knight), unknown group of caterpillars, butterfly Caleta elna elvira (Elbowed Pierrot), long-horn beetle and jumping spider (Bathippus species).

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Photo Gallery:

Below are selected photos from this trip arranged according to the sequence that they were taken. There is a text link under the photo that will direct you to more photos of the same species if they are available in my website.

Psychotria sp.
Winged seeds from Alstonia sp.
Pink mushrooms
Bracket Fungus


First shot: 7:30 am
Last shot: 11:19 am
Total number of shots: 374

To use any of the image(s), please read the conditions carefully. To correct any error, please contact me.